The world’s only 3D, 2-Level, explosive chess game.

The world’s only 3D, 2-Level, explosive chess game.
TraitWare ID is a patent-pending mobile security solution that authenticates a mobile device by creating a unique, electronic signature derived from device characteristics, device usage patterns, and onboard data.
Read and share your Kindle highlights and notes alll in one place.
OkCupid is the best dating site on Earth, and the highest rated dating app available.
Everything you want when you want it. Entice Us is a Special Performance Application™ that alters the status quo of how users connect with businesses.
Mowgoo is a mobile platform focused on event discovery and event scheduling, seeking to revolutionize how people come together.
WeGO! is a social network for adventure enthusiasts looking to share fun indoor or outdoor sports and activities with like-minded people.