The world’s only 3D, 2-Level, explosive chess game.
Chesstrap starts with standard chess. Then adds a second level. Literally. Through a series of traps and springs, players have two distinct boards to play on. For chess masters, this means they can plan for moves with more complexity by having two boards to plan for. ChessTrap has a master mode that allows chess masters to see static traps and plan several moves in advance.
- Chat
- Video chat (depending on your device)
- Multiple trap frequency settings
- Multiple computer (AI) difficulty settings
- Multiple preset viewing angles
- Full zoom, angle adjustment and rotation with pinch and swipe gestures
- Replay past games (modified PGN)
- Load and watch others’ games (modified PGN)
Platforms: iOS (iPod, iPhone 4 and 5, iPad), Android mobile and tablet, Blackberry, Mac, PC